- Convene your committee early in the fall semester and have the members elect the chair
for the academic year.
- The previous chair or a representative approved by the Faculty Senate's Administrative Committee will convene the first meeting. The committee elects a new chair at that meeting.
- Notify the Governance Manager with the name of the chair.
- Committee chairs comprise the Administrative Committee (along with Faculty Senate leadership and the Provost). The chair will be added to the email distribution list for the Administrative Committee.
- Identify a regular meeting time for your committee.
- Contact the Governance Manager if you would like a meeting poll created for you.
- Notify the Governance Manager of your regular meeting time and if you need rooms booked for meetings.
- Facilitating remote or hybrid participation for your committee.
- A quorum consists of at least 50% of the voting members of a committee. Committees
accommodate members at a distance. Presence may be established by in-person participation or participation by audio-conference, Zoom, or other distance technology utilized by committees for meetings. - Zoom: Zoom is the primary platform for holding hybrid or remote calls. Committee members that are unable to attend via Zoom may call in to the meeting via the provided call-in instructions for that committee.
- A quorum consists of at least 50% of the voting members of a committee. Committees
- Review the Faculty Senate bylaws with your committee and decide if they need to be
- Go to the current "Committees" section of the bylaws. The bylaws are located on the Faculty Senate home page.
- Changes to committee-related bylaws require a formal motion to go before the full Faculty Senate for voting.
- Look at a . See Chapter 4 in the Faculty Senate Handbook and Directory for more information about motions and resolutions, and for more examples.
- The committee-approved motion is brought by the chair to the Administrative Committee for discussion and approval to be included in the next Faculty Senate meeting agenda.
- Faculty Senate bylaws contain important information about the membership of each senate committee and should be regularly reviewed by the membership at least once a year.
- Ex-Officio members are non-voting members and do not count toward a meeting quorum.
- What to do with requests from external entities
- From time-to-time, you may get requests from entities external to the Faculty Senate to look into a particular issue. If you have not received such a request in writing, please ask for it to be put in writing (email is fine). Share this with the Governance Manager and Faculty Senate leadership. By doing so, you will help facilitate answering any questions to ensure an issue is considered by the appropriate committee, and help in prioritization of tasks that committees are being assigned.
- Set the agenda for committee meetings.
- You may distribute agendas to your committee members if that is your preference; or, upon your request the Governance Manager will distribute them for you via email.
- Include the meeting location and Zoom information (if applicable) in your agenda.
- Identify a committee member to take meeting minutes during the meeting.
- Usually minutes from the prior meeting are reviewed at the next meeting and approved by all committee members. Minutes can be approved via email if that is preferred.
- Send a copy of the approved minutes to the Governance Manager for inclusion in the Administrative Committee and Faculty Senate meeting agendas.
- Attend Administrative Committee meetings.
- Schedule of Faculty Senate and Administrative Committee Meetings is posted on the Faculty Senate Meetings.
- Committee actions (usually in the form of motions or resolutions) are brought by the committee chairs to the Administrative Committee for discussion. Upon the consensus of the Administrative Committee, actions will be included in the next agenda for Faculty Senate.
- The Administrative Committee is also a forum for discussion of issues affecting faculty and the university. The Provost is an Ex-Officio member of the Administrative Committee.
- Attending Administrative Committee meetings is not optional. If a chair can not make a particular meeting, arrange for an alternate to attend that meeting.
- If a committee has co-chairs, both usually attend the Administrative Committee meetings. If one of the co-chairs can not attend, the co-chair in attendance has the responsibility to update the other.
- Attend Faculty Senate meetings.
- Attendance at Faculty Senate meetings is a primary responsibility of all Faculty Senate members, but particularly committee chairs.
- If your committee has formal action for the Faculty Senate, the chair brings this action to the floor of the senate and provides background and information and answers questions as necessary.
- If an action is referred back to the committee, the chair brings the matter back to the committee at their next meeting.
- Prepare an annual report at the close of the academic year.
- The annual report summarizes the work of the committee for the past academic year. Its purpose is to inform and prepare the next term's committee for continuing business.
- The annual report is turned in prior to the last Administrative Committee meeting in April to be included in the May Faculty Senate agenda. Annual reports are due: April 18, 2025.
**Meeting minutes are not approved until the following meeting. All approved meeting minutes are listed below for AY24-25.
- August 23, 2024
- September 27, 2024
- October 25, 2024
- November 22, 2024
- January 24, 2025
- February 22, 2025
- March 28, 2025
- April 26, 2025
Meeting minutes will be posted as they become available.
Meeting minutes will be posted as they become available.
Meeting minutes will be posted as they become available.
Meeting minutes will be posted as they become available.
Meeting minutes will be posted as they become available.
Meeting minutes will be posted as they become available.
Meeting minutes will be posted as they become available.
Meeting minutes will be posted as they become available.
Meeting minutes will be posted as they become available.
2024-2025 Administrative Committee meeting schedule and members
Administrative Committee Meetings Meeting modality will be hybrid (unless otherwise noted) |
Meeting #281 | August 23, 2024 | 1:00-3:00pm |
Meeting #282 | September 27, 2024 | 1:00-3:00pm |
Meeting #283 | October 25, 2024 | 1:00-3:00pm |
Meeting #284 | November 22, 2024 | 1:00-3:00pm |
Meeting #285 | December 6, 2024 | 1:00 - 3:00pm |
Meeting #286 | January 24, 2025 | 1:00-3:00pm |
Meeting #287 | February 22, 2025 | 1:00-3:00pm |
Meeting #288 | March 28, 2025 | 1:00-3:00pm |
Meeting #289 | April 25, 2025 | 1:00-3:00pm |
Leah Berman, Faculty Senate President-Elect, Chair
Abel Bult-Ito, Faculty Senate President
CAC - Kenneth "Richie" Berndt
FAC - Ataur Chowdhury
UCC - Franz Mueter
GERCBRC - Seth Jones & Kait Cureton-Hazard
CRC - Eileen Harney
GAAC - Syndonia "Donie" Bret-Harte
SADA - Judith "Judy" Atkinson & Don Larson
CSW - Gwenn Hennon & Sarah McConnell
ITC - Orion Lawlor
RACAAC - Robert Herrick & Kavelina Torres
TLC - Robyn Henry & Sean Walklin
AdHoc Committees:
OER - Anja Kade
Committee on Committees - Leah Berman
Academic Freedom - Javier Fochesatto
Academic Integrity - Jennifer Carroll
Anupma Prakash, Provost
Trent Sutton, Vice Provost
Jennifer Carroll, Faculty Senate Past President
Committee Meeting Times
See the Faculty Senate Calendar below to see when committees are meeting.
Standing Committees of Faculty Senate
2024-2025 Curricular Affairs Committee
Richie Berndt (25), Co-Chair
Latrice Bowman (26), Co-Chair
Andrew Seitz (26)
Anshul Pandya (25)
David Henry (26)
Debu Misra (26)
Eileen Harney (25)
Kenneth Abramowicz (25)
Olga Skinner (25)
Trent Sutton, Vice Provost
Holly McDonald, Registrar
Tim Scherer, Director of Advising
Jen Hoppough, Faculty Accelerator representative
Paul Menke, ASUAF President
2024-2025 Faculty Affairs Committee
Ataur Chowdhury (26), Chair
Arthur "Art" Nash (25)
Cecile Lardon (25)
Jak Maier (26)
Debu Misra (26)
Leslie McCartney (26)
William "Bill" Howard (25)
2024-2025 Unit Criteria Committee
Franz Mueter, CFOS (26), Chair
Chanda Meek, CLA (25)
Greg Pietsch, CNSM (25)
Laura Conner, Â鶹¹ÙÍø/GI (26)
Leslie McCartney, Libraries (26)
Leslie Shallcross, IANRE (26)
Michelle Demmert, CRCD (26)
Obadare Awoleke, CEM (25)
Ute Kaden, SOE (25)
TBD, Dean
Advice for Units Submitting Criteria (2019 WORD) - This document is in the process of being finalized. Feedback is welcome.
Current Unit Peer Criteria - Provost Website
Permanent Committees of Faculty Senate
2024-2025 GERCBRC
Seth Jones, CLA/Ethics, Chair
At-large (non-GER/non-CBR area): Kait Hazard (26)
CLA/Humanities: Samantha Botz (26)
CLA/Communication: Kevin Sager (26)
CLA/English: Sarah Stanley (25)
CLA/Social Sciences: Neall Pogue (26)
CLA/Arts: Sarah McConnell (25)
Library: Ilana Kingsley (25)
CNSM/Math: Latrice Bowman (25)
CNSM/Science: Don Larson (26)
CRCD: Lisa Strecker (25)
DANSRD: Debbie Mekiana (26)
Faculty Fellow: Ilana Kingsley
Trent Sutton, Vice Provost
Sandy Ocampus, Registrar
TBD, Academic Advising Center
Holly McDonald, Registrar
TBD, Academic Advising
TBD, eCampus
2024-2025 Curriculum Review Committee
Membership on the Curriculum Review Committee (CRC) is comprised of the Chairs of Curriculum Councils for each of the academic schools and colleges, one representative from the GER & Core Committee, and one representative from the SADA Committee.
CAC rep: TBD
TBD, Dean
Janeen Culbertson, Assistant Registrar
Sean Holland, eCampus
2024-2025 Graduate Academic & Advisory Committee
Donie Bret-Harte, CNSM (24) - Chair
Andrey Pnyushkov, IARC (25)
Bill Simpson, CNSM (25)
Christian Stettler, CLA (25)
Christopher Sannito, CFOS (25)
Gwenn Hennon, CFOS (25)
John Pennington, CBSM (26)
Long Fan, CEM (26)
Pavel Izbekov, GI (25)
Zoë Jones, CLA (25)
Sumana Sahoo, Graduate student
Arina Didrikson, Graduate student
Rich Collins, Director of the Graduate School (and/or designee)
Karen Jensen, Director of Libraries
Holly McDonald and/or Janeen Culbertson, Registrar (and/or designee)
2024-2025 Student Academic Development & Achievement Committee
Judith Atkinson, CTC/Math (26), Co-Chair
Don Larson, CNSM/Science (25), Co-Chair
Bristol Bay: Katherine Kysar (26)
Chukchi: Louise Conwell (25)
CLA/English: Jennifer Schell (26)
CNSM/Math: James Gossell (25)
CTC/Writing: Ryan Henderson (26)
CRCD: Michelle Demmert (26)
Developmental Education: Joi Lockhart (26)
Interior Alaska: Robin Brooks (25)
Kuskokwim: Kelechukwu Alu (25)
Northwest: Claudia Ihl (26)
Academic Advising Center: Cassie Kendall
Rural Student Services: Donald Crocker
Rural Campus Advisor: Robin Brooks
Rural Campus Student Services: Kacey Miller
Student Support Services: Montana Goss
Jenn Pederson, eCampus & Testing Services
Kim McFadden or Courtney Kichefski, Registrar's Office
Paul Menke, ASUAF
2024-2025 Faculty Development, Assessment, & Improvement Committee
FDAIC is suspended for AY24-25.
2024-2025 Committee on the Status of Women
Sarah McConnell, CLA (25), Co-Chair
Gwenn Hennon, CFOS (25), Co-Chair
Christina Ireton, CLA (25)
Julie Avery, INE (25)
Veronica Farrugia Drakard, CFOS (25)
2024-2025 Â鶹¹ÙÍø and Creative Activity Advisory Committee
Robert Herrick, INE (25), Co-Chair
Kavelina Torres, CLA (25), Co-Chair
Amy May, CLA (25)
Casey Matney, IANRE (26)
Claudia Ihl, CRCD (26)
Falk Huettmann, CNSM (26)
Javier Fochesatto, CNSM (24)
Kristen Gorman, Â鶹¹ÙÍø (26)
Thomas Zhou, IARC (25)
Tobias Schwoerer, IARC (25)
Nettie LaBelle-Hamer, Vice Chancellor for Â鶹¹ÙÍø
2024-2025 Information Technology Committee
Orion Lawlor, CEM (24), Chair
Go Iwahana, IARC (25)
Jennifer Delamere, GI (25)
Kavelina Torres, CLA (25)
Ronni Grapenthin, CNSM (25)
Karsten Hueffer, Dean
Dan LaSota, eCampus
Kel Gitter, OIT
2024-2025 Faculty Administrator Review Committee meeting schedule and members
Abel Bult-Ito, Chair
2024-2025 Teaching and Learning Committee
Sean Walkin, CTC (25), Co-Chair
Robyn Henry, CRCD (26) Co-Chair
Jill Faudree, CNSM (26)
Kristen Gorman, CFOS (26)
Latrice Bowman, CNSM (26)
Linda Kiltz, CBSM (26)
Retchenda George-Bettisworth, CLA (25)
Amy Vinlove, Director
Trent Sutton, Vice Provost
Kel Gitter, OIT
Madara Mason and Kendell Newman-Sadiik, eCampus
Ad Hoc Committees of Faculty Senate
From time to time, Faculty Senate forms Ad Hoc Committees for special purposes. Individual committees may also form subcommittees. Information about a subcommittee formed by any particular Faculty Senate Committee may also be found on the web page for that particular committee (e.g., GERC - subcommittee of CAC).
2024-2025 Ad Hoc Committees of Faculty Senate
Anja Kade, CNSM
Genova Brooks Boyd, Libraries
Jen Moss, eCampus
Latrice Bowman, CNSM
Sandra Wildfeuer, Faculty Senate
Sarah Stanley, CLA
Scott Goddard, CNSM
Ellen Lopez, Dean (CLA)
Cole Osowski, ASUAF President
Alda Norris, Staff Council
Archived Ad Hoc Committees of Faculty Senate
2022-2023 Ad Hoc Committees of Faculty Senate
Scott Goddard, CNSM (24)
Latrice Bowman, CNSM (24)
Genova Brookes Boyd, Libraries (23)
Anja Kade, CNSM - Chair
Ellen Lopez, CLA
Ashlyn Espinosa, ASUAF President
Jen Moss, eCampus
Sarah Stanley, CLA
Alda Norris, Staff Council
Sandra Wildfeuer, Faculty Senate
2021-2022 Ad Hoc Committees of Faculty Senate
Scott Goddard, CNSM (24)
Latrice Bowman, CNSM (24)
Genova Brookes Boyd, Libraries (23)
Anja Kade, CNSM - Chair
Ellen Lopez, CLA
Ashlyn Espinosa, ASUAF President
Jen Moss, eCampus
Sarah Stanley, CLA
Alda Norris, Staff Council
Sandra Wildfeuer, Faculty Senate
2019-2020 Ad Hoc Committees of Faculty Senate
Javier Fochesatto - Chair
Jennie Carroll
Jak Maier
Diane McEachern
Chanda Meek
Don Larson
Anupma Prakash
Alexandra Fitts
Ataur Chowdhury
Holly McDonald
2018-2019 Ad Hoc Committees of Faculty Senate
Alex Fitts, Vice Provost and Dean of General Studies
Nicole Cundiff, SOM
Alex Fitts, Vice Provost and Dean of General Studies
Margo Griffith, Director of Diversity and Equal Opportunity
2014-2015 Ad Hoc Committee of Faculty Senate
Year End Report:
Web site by GERC:
Date | Time | Location |
August 29, 2014 | 3:00 - 4:00 PM |
Kayak Room, 408 Rasmuson |
October 14, 2014 | 1:00 - 2:00 PM |
Chancellor's Conference Room, 330 Signers' Hall |
October 23, 2014 | 2:00 - 3:00 PM |
Chancellor's Conference Room, 330 Signers' Hall |
November 5, 2014 | 10:30 - 11:30 AM |
Room 502 Rasmuson Library |
November 18, 2014 | 11:45 AM - 12:45 PM |
304C Eielson Building |
December 9, 2014 | 1:00 - 2:00 PM | Chancellor's Conference Room, 330 Signers' Hall |
February 4, 2015 | 1:00 - 2:00 PM | Chancellor's Conference Room, 330 Signers' Hall |
February 18, 2015 | 1:00 - 2:00 PM | Kayak Room, 408 Rasmuson Library |
March 4, 2015 | 1:00 - 2:00 PM | Chancellor's Conference Room, 330 Signers' Hall |
April 15, 2015 | 1:00 - 2:00 PM | Chancellor's Conference Room, 330 Signers' Hall |
- Bethany Marx, CLA
- Leah Berman, CNSM - Chair
- Derick Burleson, CLA
- Anne Armstrong, SoED
- Mary Ehrlander, CLA
- Libby Eddy, Registrar
- Alex Fitts, Dean of General Studies
- Sarah Fowell, CNSM
- Greg Goering, SOM
- Linda Hapsmith, Academic Advising Center
- Ilana Kingsley, Libraries
- Jean Richey, CLA
- Jonathan Rosenberg, CLA, Past Chair
- Mahla Strohmaier, CRCD
- Sarah Stanley, CLA
- Sandra Wildfeuer, CRCD
- Cindy Hardy, Curricular Affairs Committee Member
- Todd Sherman, CLA Dean (ex officio)
2013-2014 Ad Hoc Committees of Faculty Senate
Charge to the Committee:
Identify structural problems, impediments and disincentives to interdisciplinary teaching, student advising, and research.
The UAF Faculty Senate has formed an ad hoc faculty committee to start addressing practical problems that faculty have with interdisciplinary work at UAF. We need to identify the full suite of problems in order to tackle them effectively. The first step is this faculty committee and its report. Administrators will have valuable input also, and will be added as a second step. Solutions will come later and are not part of this committee's charge.
Final Report by the Committee (November 2013 - PDF)
Ray Barnhardt, CLA
Ron Barry, CNSM
Larry Duffy, CNSM and IAB
Ginny Eckert, SFOS
Craig Gerlach, CLA, Chair
Josh Greenberg, SNRAS and SOM
Gary Jacobsen, SOE
Gary Kofinas, SNRAS and IAB
Chanda Meek, CLA
Silke Schiewer, CEM
Date | Time | Location |
February 12, 2013 | 1-2 PM |
Joint Conference Room (341 RAS) |
February 19, 2013 | 9:00 - 10:00 AM |
Chancellor's Conference Room (330 Signers' Hall) |
March 5, 2013 | 9:00 - 10:00 AM |
Chancellor's Conference Room (330 Signers' Hall) |
March 26, 2013 | 9:00 - 10:00 AM |
Chancellor's Conference Room (330 Signers' Hall) |
April 16, 2013 | 9:00 - 10:00 AM |
Chancellor's Conference Room (330 Signers' Hall) |
April 30, 2013 | 9:00 - 10:00 AM | Kayak Room (408 Rasmuson Library) |
May 7, 2013 | 9:00 - 10:00 AM | Kayak Room (408 Rasmuson Library) |
The UAF Faculty Senate has appointed this ad hoc committee to address policies and regulations for hiring and evaluation of faculty with joint appointments. In the reference document is the UAF Faculty Appointment and Evaluation Policy and Regulations, aka Blue Book, sections regarding joint appointments are brief and leave details unspecified. In the absence of official procedures ad hoc solutions have developed. In many cases these solutions have worked well for individual units and may be considered as possible models for the system as a whole. In other cases, the procedures have been reported to be unsatisfactory and confusing, particularly in units where joint appointments are less common.
The committee's charge is to:
- Recommend formal policies and regulations for hiring and evaluation of tenure-track and research faculty with joint appointments. These recommendations will go to the Faculty Senate and the Provost.
- Draft new sections on these policies and regulations for the UAF Blue Book.
- Advise the Faculty Senate on any other issues related to joint appointments that the committee wishes to raise.
Perry Barboza, CNSM Bio & Wildlife / IAB
Bill Bristow, CEM / GI - Chair
Doug Christensen, CNSM Geol & Geophys / GI
Roxie Dinstel, CES
Javier Fochesatto, CNSM Atmospheric Sci / GI
Patricia Holloway, SNRAS
Gordon Kruse, SFOS Fisheries (Juneau)
Patrick Marlow, CLA / SOE
Date | Time | Location |
May 17, 2013 | 11:00 AM to noon |
Kayak Room, 408 Rasmuson Library |
September 4, 2013 | 10:00 - 11:00 AM |
Geology Library, 306 Reichardt Building |
October 4, 2013 | 10:00 - 11:00 AM |
Runcorn Room, 300 Reichardt Building |
November 8, 2013 | 1:00 - 2:00 PM |
IAB Library, 311 Irving I |