Reminder: Apply for staff professional development support by Feb. 1

Reminder, Staff Alliance is offering support for staff for activities that directly support their professional development in FY24. Examples include but are not limited to professional certifications, attending or presenting at a conference, professional society memberships, online or in-person training, and webinars. (Please note, this is not applicable to UA class fees.)

This support is good for any activities occurring within FY24*, and is for up to $500 per employee, while the funds last.

*If you have a situation where you need to pay for something in FY24 that will not take place until after FY24, please email We'll review this on a case-by-case basis.

Requirements: Must be a current regular staff person at UA, excluding Executive staff classifications. Must fill out the application linked below.

Selection: The Staff Development Fund committee will review applications once per quarter (there are two review periods left in FY24). They will score the applications and award the top applications until funds are exhausted for that quarter.

Submit your request for funding here:

Application review dates:

  • Feb. 1
  • April 1

Thank you to President Pitney and the UA Board of Regents for providing these funds and supporting professional development for staff.

For questions please email Staff Alliance governance support,