Lisa Kljaich

eLearning Kljaich headshot
Explorations in Music





Lisa Kljaich – also known as the Ukulele Fool.  I teach  Explorations in Music – MUS 200x a Quality Matters certified online class that counts towards General Education Requirements.

I have been teaching music to folks that HAD to take a music class since I graduated from college in 1983! I taught elementary school general music in Fairbanks for 21 years. Every kid in the school had to come see me twice a week, whether they wanted to or not. Given those conditions, I have endeavored to make learning about music an engaging and personal experience over the course of my 37 year career. I have learned from some of the best teachers (some because I had to, others because I wanted to) over the years, and I try to inspire like I have been inspired.

I have had an eclectic career as a musician. I have performed on more instruments than I have fingers and I sing in public all the time. The flute is my major instrument, but the ukulele is my favorite instrument.  I currently have a YouTube channel, The Ukulele Fool, where I offer tutorials, interviews, and general information related to the ukulele. I also have charitable projects designed to get ukuleles and instruction to underserved communities. Through my online offerings, I have had students study with me from many different states and all over the globe – Japan, Kenya, Australia, Czech Republic, Italy, the UK, and more. The best part – they all want to learn music!